Oatmeal Pancakes
1/3 c. (40g) Oat Flour
1 scant tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1 TBS Stevia cup-for-cup (or your preferred sweetener, to taste)
Optional: 1 tsp. flax seed meal and 1 tsp chia seeds
wet ingredients:
1/3 c. unsweetened almond milk
1/8 c. (28g or equiv of 1/2 an egg) eggwhites
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 TBS canned pumpkin
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl. Using a whisk, stir really well to introduce as much air as possible. In a separate bowl, whisk the wet ingredients, again, introduce as much air as possible. Keep the wet and dry separate until the very last second before cooking. Heat your skillet up to medium. Very lightly grease the pan. Only when you are totally ready to pour your batter in, combine the wet and the dry. Try not to over-stir. Allow side 1 to cook until air bubbles appear, then flip and give it a couple more minutes.
I enjoyed mine with some sugar free maple syrup, and a side of blueberry and strawberry compote I threw together. HEAVEN.
Yield: 4 dollar sized pancakes, 206 calories for all of them.
bonus side shot of the fluffies:
Next weekend, I am going to try adding in different things. Can you say chocolate banana pancakes? I sure can...
Eric's Breakfast: It's the hub's b-day so he got special pancakes this morning, which is what inspired me to make a healthy pancakes for myself. The jealousy was a bit overwhelming ;) Behold! Cinnamon Bun Pancakes complete with bacon on the side. They smelled divine. He said it was one of the best things he has ever eaten. Go me ;)
and here is a bonus shot with the cream-cheese glaze all ooey-gooey and melted into the crevices: