
Friday, June 19, 2009


I am just lagging behind. I have photos of delicious crock pot chili, and french butter, and a couple of ideas to kick off my craft section of this blog, but for some reason, nothing has made it here. I even went so far as to get a card reader so I wouldn't have to lug my camera upstairs to get the pics off it.

Well, I guess it isn't a single reason why I have been neglecting the blog. There are a couple of contributing factors:

1) EQ2 is going well! We have just about caught up to where we were before we quit last time. My wizzy is 66 as of last night and we have entered the Kunark era of playing. We found an awesome casual guild this is both supportive of newbs, AND raids casually - awesome, hard to pull off combo, but they have done it. Also wtf is with this "great" sig that Sony provides. Only my stupid knees are showing. Grats, programmy-dudes.

2) Plants Vs. Zombies is freaking AWESOME goodtimes fun and I am very distracted playing it in the bits of time between playing EQ2. I am so tempted to download it on my work PC to play it during "break"

3) Work has been really awful lately. I already wear 3 very different hats, and a 4th one, although temporarily, was added a couple months ago and it is just mentally exhausting. All I want to do when I get home is nap (if I haven't already in the car) and then zone out playing for a few hours before going to bed. Bonus factoid: since we work for the State of Broke-Ass California, we just got word that we will be getting an 8% paycut starting in August and lasting for at least a year, and more likely 2. This is on top of already "losing" out on our yearly 4% merit increase last year, and not getting it again this year. Double sucks that we work in the same place so our overall income is being hit, instead of just 1. Oh well, at least we have jobs still. Let's cross fingers that stays

4) consider this a preview to the crafty tag: I am picking up polymer clay again as a hobby (didn't I just explain why I had no time to blog and now I am talkign about starting yet another craft? ISSUES) There has been so many changes and upgrades to the medium since I last played with it. I am just SO enamored right now. I have loads of links, several books, and pretty much all the materials. Now I just need to sit down and DO something with it instead of pining over things online I see like these:

More soon!

Friday, June 5, 2009

I've lost my wallet.

which really sucks. I almost wish it had been stolen - but no charges on the ATM tells me this is not the case. Somewhere, between buying coffee at 9am at work, and getting ready for work the next day it turned up missing. I don't even care that I have to go through a rigamarole to replace my drivers liscense and whatnot. My wallet itself was AWESOME:And now I have to wait 2 week s for a new ATM card in order a new one from Tinymeat and they take for freaking ever to deliver =( so sad...